Norsk Boxerklubb avd. Hordaland inviterer til spesialutstilling 16. april 2016 på Myrbø

Norsk Boxerklubb avdeling Hordaland
inviterer til


lørdag 16. april kl. 12:00

Dommer: Anna Bogucka, Polen

Ringsekretær: Kate Iren Bekk 

Påmeldings - og betalingsfrist: 26.03.2016

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Utstillingen vil finne sted på Myrbø Dyrepensjont, og overnatting kan tilbys ved Lone Camping, kun 5 minutter fra utstillingsområdet.

Anna Bogucka:
Dommer Anna Bogucka

By profession I am an art historian.

I am FCI judge authorized to judge all breeds from 2 and 8 FCI groups.

So far I judged Cacib, boxer specialty and championships shows in: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic, Ukraine. Judged also boxers at ATIBOX and World Dog Show.

Since 1975 I am the member of Polish Kennel Club and Boxer Club.

1985-93 and since 1997 up today the member of  the General Committee of Polish Kennel Club. Judge since 1986.

1987-2005 the v-ce president of Boxer Club in Poland (breeding affairs). 

2005-2011 – President of  Polish Boxer Club.

Boxers entered my life in 1964 when, as a girl, I got a solid brindle bitch. She wasn’t any show boxer, but had perfect working ability. 10 years later I bought my first show dog, Remi- Ivo Hara and next few years later his beautiful brindle daughter  who became not only unbeaten show star, but also valuable foundation bitch of my kennel “Nostrum” founded 1983.

Since that time I bred more than 40 Champions, 21 Int. Champions and many Club Winners (Jahressieger).